Agricultural Sales Cooperative and Union Management
Integrated Management Solution for Cooperatives and Unions
Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and
Union Management System
BSOFTkoop Agricultural Sales Cooperative and Union Management System is a windows-based software developed for institutions that continue their activities according to the Law No. 4572 on Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions. It is an integrated Cooperative and Union Management application where you can follow all processes of cooperatives, partners and unions.
BSOFTkoop is a 100% windows-based Agricultural Sales Cooperative application developed using today’s technology with a flexible, parametric and modular structure to provide automation of cooperatives/unions with the currently valid Law No. 4572 on Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions.
With its integrated package, outstanding technology and unique advantages, it is an ideal and secure Agricultural Sales Cooperative application for small organizations as well as large cooperative unions with a dispersed structure and thousands of members. It consists of many software modules ranging from product purchases to cash credit transactions, from cash register transactions to budget, from cooperative business transactions to accounting. BSOFTkoop Cooperative Program offers all these application modules and many sub-modules working under these modules integrated into the service of cooperatives and unions.

General Features
- It can be installed on Server or PCs (Client) depending on demand and need.
- The database is always located on the Server. There is no information storage on the Client side.
- Parametric Infrastructure.
- User or role-specific menu design can be made.
- Data can be sorted, grouped, filtered and stored by column.
- User-specific screen views can be made and stored.
- Support for multiple workplaces and branches,
- It has integration with office programs.
- Authorization can be done on user and role basis.
- It uses MS SQL server for data management.
- There is no data loss or corruption whatsoever.
- It can be installed and used in Client/Server or terminal server structure.
- It has an automatic backup system.
- It has a log system. All additions, changes and deletions made in BSOFTkoop are logged. Easily reported.
- It offers unlimited reporting possibilities. In addition to the dozens of reports it contains, BSOFTkoop allows the user to prepare and add the desired report to the structure thanks to the reporting program it contains.
- Thanks to the filtering structure in the reports, the user can access the different analyses and graphs he/she desires.
- Reports can be archived as exel, XML or text if desired.
BSOFTkoop Union Program Modules and Functions
BSOFTkoop Union Program includes the following modules. And you can use these application modules integrated with each other or independently.
- General Parameter and Definition Operations,
- Product Purchase (Producer Receipt) Transactions,
- Cash Credit Transactions,
- Shareholder Current Account Transactions,
- Cooperative Business Operations,
- General Accounting Transactions,
- Budget Operations,
- Check Processing,
- Current Account Transactions,
- Inventory Operations,
- Invoice processing,
- Sales Order Management Operations,
- Purchasing Operations,
- Laboratory and Quality Control Operations,
- Production Operations,
- MRPII Operations,
- Fixed Asset Transactions,
- Personnel Transactions,
- Cost Accounting Transactions.
BSOFTkoop Cooperative and
Union Management System
BSOFTkoop is a complete integrated application software developed with today’s high technology based on the needs of TARİŞ, which is the largest cooperative and union structure in Turkey and has 4 unions and 76 cooperatives within its structure, as well as an AGRICULTURE SALES COOPERATIVE and UNION MANAGEMENT software structured with many years of knowledge.

Integrated Structure and Flexibility
It is important that data is entered once and from a single location and used in all decision-making processes within the organization. A data generated in the most remote cooperative should be reflected by the system to the accounting, current account, budget, etc. modules without any change.
BSOFTkoop Cooperative and Union Management System offers many modules and sub-modules working under these modules, primarily Product Purchase, Partners Current, Cooperative Management, Cash Credit Transactions, Production, etc., integrated into the service of cooperatives and unions.
It is a hotel software that was started to be developed in Windows environment and completed in this environment. All of the modules that make up the BSOFTkoop Cooperative and Union program have multi currency and multi language features.
Its flexible structure makes it an ideal solution for organizations of all types (cooperatives, enterprises, unions, etc.) and sizes. Its configuration and adaptation is fully parametric.
Agricultural Sales Cooperative Application is a Business Management Software that can respond to the dispersed structure brought by the Cooperative and Union structure. Requests from our customers are quickly evaluated in our software department, additions and changes are made and distributed.
Expert Staff, Fast Reporting
and Support Services
With 38 years of IT history, our company has a staff of system analysts and programmers with an average working time of over 15 years. Especially in the team that developed the BSOFTkoop Unity Program, there are many personnel with tourism education.
BSOFTkoop has a reporting tool. Hundreds of ready-made reports of BSOFTkoop cooperative program are developed with this reporting wizard. It is very easy for our customers to produce new reports by modifying existing reports or to develop new reports according to their needs.
We have a structure that provides uninterrupted and online service (7 days x 24 hours) to our guaranteed and contracted customers.

Law Number: 4572
Acceptance Date: 01/06/2000
Published in the Official Gazette: 16/06/2000
Published in the Official Gazette No: 24081
Article 1 – The purpose of this Law is to regulate the provisions relating to agricultural sales cooperatives and unions and to establish a legal framework for the restructuring of these organizations and to make agricultural sales cooperatives and unions autonomous and financially independent in an effective and sustainable manner.
Producers may establish agricultural sales cooperatives with limited liability, with a variable number of partners and variable capital, with legal personality in order to provide their needs related to their professional activities through mutual assistance, solidarity and surety, to evaluate their products under better conditions and to protect their economic interests.
At least thirty producers must come together for the establishment of an agricultural sales cooperative, and at least three agricultural sales cooperatives must come together for the establishment of a union of agricultural sales cooperatives.
The capital of cooperatives shall consist of the share capital to be subscribed by the member producers, and the capital of unions shall consist of the partnership shares to be subscribed by the member cooperatives. The conditions of partnership, the rate and amount of capital commitment, and the procedures and principles regarding the payment and return of capital shall be set forth in the sample articles of association.
Membership shares in cooperatives and unions cannot be pledged or attached, nor can they be transferred except in the case of a merger with another cooperative or union.
Article 2 – In this Law;
a) Ministry: Ministry of Industry and Trade,
b) Member: Producer members for cooperatives and affiliated cooperatives for unions,
c) Cooperative: Agricultural sales cooperatives,
d) Union: Agricultural sales cooperatives unions,
e) Sample articles of association: The sample articles of association of cooperatives and unions prepared by the Ministry in accordance with this Law and approved by the Council of Ministers.
Article 3 – Cooperatives and unions shall work to utilize the products of their members and, where necessary, of other producers under better conditions, to meet their needs related to their professional activities and to protect their economic interests.
The economic enterprises to be established by cooperatives and unions for the subsequent stages of production, other than the enterprises and facilities in the form of initial processing, shall be established and operate as a separate legal entity with the status of a joint stock company.
The principles regarding the fields of activity of cooperatives and unions and their product purchase and evaluation procedures shall be set forth in sample articles of association.
Article 4 – The organs of cooperatives and unions are the general assembly, the board of directors and the supervisory board. The members of the board of directors and their substitutes shall be elected from among those who have the right to participate in the general assembly. In unions, the general manager is a natural member of the board of directors.
The conditions to be sought for the shareholders entitled to participate in the general assemblies and the number, qualifications and election principles of the representatives of the cooperatives to constitute the general assemblies of the unions shall be determined in the sample articles of association.
The affairs of cooperatives and unions shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law, articles of association and other legislation and the decisions of the general assembly and board of directors; in cooperatives according to the procedures and principles set forth in the articles of association, and in unions by the general directorate.
In cooperatives and unions, the persons and the manner of exercise of the power of representation shall be specified in the sample articles of association. However, in order to commit these organizations, the joint signature of the manager, if any, in cooperatives, the general manager in unions or their deputies, the chairman or members of the board of directors or one of those authorized to sign on behalf of the organization is required. In cooperatives where there is no director, the joint signature of the chairman of the board of directors and one of the members is sufficient.
In unions, the general manager and deputy general managers must have at least four years of higher education and at least eight years of experience in the fields of cooperatives, economics, finance, business administration, administrative sciences or related engineering in public institutions and organizations or private organizations, and in cooperatives, the managers must be at least high school graduates. The conditions to be sought for managers, general managers and other personnel to be employed in cooperatives and unions, as well as appointment, transfer, promotion, dismissal, staff and personal rights and other principles shall be set forth in a regulation to be prepared by the board of directors of the union and adopted by the general assembly. In cooperatives which are not members of the union, the said regulation shall be prepared by the board of directors and shall enter into force upon the approval of the general assembly.
Article 5 – The Ministry may require cooperatives and unions to have their transactions, accounts, assets and financial statements audited by independent audit institutions authorized to audit in accordance with the Law dated 01/06/1989 and numbered 3568. The organization to conduct the audit shall be determined by the general assembly of cooperatives or unions. The boards of directors and supervisory boards shall not be deemed to have been discharged until the audit is carried out or the reports issued as a result of the audit are discussed at the general assembly. The Ministry shall jointly determine the organizations that will carry out independent auditing activities and their working principles with the Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants and Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants of Turkey.
Cooperatives are obliged to comply with the principles and principles to be determined by the union to which they are affiliated, provided that they are not contrary to the Law and the articles of association.
Article 6 – In the activities of cooperatives and unions established in accordance with this Law;
a) All kinds of transactions of the producers and members who apply to be a member of the cooperative with their cooperatives and all kinds of papers, documents, deeds, bonds, declarations, undertakings, powers of attorney, receipts, mortgages and pledges to be made in favor of the cooperative are exempt from all kinds of taxes, duties and fees,
b) Positive income and expense differences arising from intra-partner transactions are subject to income and corporate tax,
c) Interest and commissions they receive from each other and from their partners, all kinds of real estate purchases and sales they make with each other or with third parties (except for taxes, duties and fees imposed on third parties), as well as the sale of production facilities and real estate related to these facilities, donations and other gratuitous acquisitions, and all deeds, declarations, undertakings, contracts, powers of attorney and mortgages and pledges to be made in their favor for all their works are exempt from all kinds of taxes, duties and fees, including corporate tax and stamp tax,
d) Capital and reserve funds, immovable properties and their revenues, immovable properties purchased for their needs and acquired for the purpose of collecting their receivables, and the process of returning them to their previous owners, as well as changes in the type and type, name and title of their real estates and their amendments are exempt from all kinds of taxes, duties and charges,
e) All kinds of deeds, declarations, undertakings, contracts and all other documents related to the loan transactions and loans they will make and the loans they will obtain, as well as mortgages and mortgage release transactions for immovable properties, pledges and pledge release transactions for movable properties, powers of attorney, letters of undertaking and other documents are exempt from all kinds of taxes, duties and fees,
f) During the return of the capital shares paid by the members to their cooperatives due to the exit and dismissal of the members, the gains that will arise in favor of the producer between the return amount to be calculated according to the principles shown in the articles of association and the amount of the paid capital share will be exempt from income tax and from corporate tax in terms of cooperatives and unions,
g) Donations made to cooperatives or unions, funds to be created from deductions to be made from members, income subject to risturn income distributed or not distributed and used in cooperative activities, income and corporate tax,
h) The notarization of the books and documents of cooperatives and unions are subject to notary fees only and are exempt from taxes, duties and fees.
The withholding tax provisions and value added tax provisions to be made according to the Income Tax Law are reserved.
However, the income-expense differences to be obtained by these organizations from non-partner transactions shall be monitored and determined in a separate account and taxed in accordance with the provisions of tax laws. The processing of the products purchased by cooperatives and unions from their members in the first processing facilities without any change in their quality and selling them to third parties are considered as intra-member transactions.
Article 7 – The sample articles of association of cooperatives and unions shall be prepared by the Ministry in consultation with the unions, and shall be published in the Official Gazette upon approval by the Council of Ministers. The sample articles of association may be amended directly by the Ministry by taking the opinion of the unions or upon the joint request of the boards of directors of more than half of the unions, the proposal of the Ministry and the approval of the Council of Ministers. In the event that more than half of the unions jointly apply for amendment, the Ministry shall evaluate the application within one month at the latest and, if there is no contradiction with the provisions of the law, shall propose amendments to the Council of Ministers. These amendments shall be discussed and resolved at the first general assembly meetings of cooperatives and unions in accordance with the procedures and majority of the ordinary general assemblies.
Article 8 – The Law dated 21/10/1935 and numbered 2834 on Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions, the Law dated 30/04/1985 and numbered 3186 on the Amendment and Adoption of the Decree Law on the Establishment of Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions, and the Law dated 25/12/1969 and numbered 1196 on Tobacco Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Regional Unions and General Union of Tobacco Agricultural Sales Cooperatives of Turkey are hereby repealed.
This Law is an integral part of the Cooperatives Law No. 1163 dated 24/04/1969, and the provisions of this Law, the sample articles of association for the matters explicitly stated in this Law to be regulated in the sample articles of association, the Cooperatives Law No. 1163 and the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6762 dated 29/06/1956 relating to joint stock companies shall apply respectively to agricultural sales cooperatives and unions.
The provisions of the additional article 24 of the Social Insurance Law dated 17/07/1964 and numbered 506 and the provisions of article 28 of the Civil Servants Law dated 14/07/1965 and numbered 657 shall not apply exclusively to those who are elected among civil servants to the supervisory board memberships of cooperatives and unions within the scope of this Law.
Provisional Article 1 – A) The cooperatives and unions established before the entry into force of this Law in accordance with the Law No. 1196 on Tobacco Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Regional Unions and the Law No. 3186 on the Amendment and Adoption of the Decree Law on the Establishment of Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions shall be deemed to have been established in accordance with this Law without any further procedure.
Sample articles of association shall be prepared within maximum four months following the entry into force of this Law. Until the adaptation process is completed, the provisions of the existing articles of association which are not contrary to this Law shall be applied.
B) Cooperatives and unions already established and in operation shall be obliged to adapt their articles of association to this Law within a maximum period of one year. Cooperatives and unions failing to comply with this obligation shall be deemed to have been dissolved. In the event that the liquidation is not commenced within a maximum period of two months from the date of dissolution by the persons legally authorized to liquidate, the Ministry or the Treasury may request the court to appoint a liquidator. The liquidator to be appointed by the court shall fulfill the duties and powers given to the liquidation board in the current articles of association.
The general assemblies of cooperatives and unions to adapt their articles of association to this Law shall convene and decide according to the procedure and majority of the ordinary general assemblies. At these general assemblies, elections shall be held for the vacant memberships of the boards of directors and supervisory boards and their substitutes, and for the vacant union representatives and their substitutes, for the remaining term of office of the current members.
C) The duties of the current general manager and deputy general managers of the unions shall expire at the general assembly meeting of the union where the election of the organs is held; and in the unions that adopt the principle of joint work, following the completion of the election of the organs of all unions. They may be reappointed if deemed appropriate by the board of directors.
D) A Restructuring Board consisting of seven members shall be established to study, examine and make recommendations on the restructuring of cooperatives and unions, to provide them with a sustainable structure within the framework of economic efficiency and productivity principles and to determine the measures to be taken for this purpose. The Board shall be responsible to the Minister of Industry and Trade.
Four members of the Restructuring Board shall be appointed by the Minister of Industry and Trade, one of whom shall be a member of the Ministry, two members of the Undersecretariat of Treasury, one of whom shall be a member of the Undersecretariat of Treasury, by the Minister of State to whom the Undersecretariat of Treasury reports, and one member shall be appointed by the Council of Ministers *1* from among the members of the board of directors of the unions through an election among themselves, within a maximum period of six months following the entry into force of this Law. The duty of the representative of the union whose membership in the board of directors is terminated in the Restructuring Board shall also be terminated. Vacancies shall be filled according to the same procedure. The members of the Board shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among themselves by the absolute majority of the total number of members.
To assist in its activities, the Restructuring Board may establish an Executive Unit composed of experts and consultants experienced in restructuring, privatization, planning, auditing, cooperatives or business management. The Head of the Steering Unit shall be elected by the affirmative vote of at least five members of the Board. The four-year work plan of the Executive Unit shall be determined by the Restructuring Board. The working procedures and principles of the Executive Unit and the payments to be made to its employees shall be determined upon the proposal of the Restructuring Board, the approval of the Minister of Industry and Trade and the approval of the Minister of State to whom the Undersecretariat of Treasury reports.
The attendance fees and allowances to be paid to the chairman and members of the Restructuring Board shall be determined with the approval of the Minister of Industry and Trade and the State Minister to whom the Undersecretariat of Treasury reports. The monthly net amount of the attendance fee shall not exceed three times the highest civil servant salary (including additional indicators) and the per diem shall not exceed three times the highest civil servant per diem.
Cooperatives and unions shall take into account the recommendations of the Restructuring Board in all matters related to restructuring within the framework of the objectives set out in this Law and shall continue their activities in cooperation with the Board.
The working principles of the Restructuring Board, the principles and programs to be implemented, the measures to be taken by cooperatives and unions for compliance with this process and the procedures to be carried out shall be jointly determined by the Minister of Industry and Trade and the Minister of State to whom the Undersecretariat of Treasury reports.
(Repealed paragraph: 03/02/2005 – 5290 S.K./4.mad) *2*
E) The debts of the Unions related to their special body activities existing as of 01/05/2000, their accessory debts such as interest and late payment interest arising from these debts during the period until the payment of the debts and the compensation amount required for the arrangements to be made in the staff positions shall be assumed and liquidated by the Treasury by taking into consideration the recommendations of the Restructuring Board. (Additional sentence: 30/07/2003 – 4962 S.K./18. Art.) These amounts assumed and liquidated by the Treasury shall be monitored in a special fund account in the liabilities of the balance sheet without being transferred to the income accounts and this fund shall be used to cover the negative income-expense differences.
During the restructuring period, the liquidation of the special body debts of cooperatives and unions and the personnel compensations that may arise due to restructuring, the payments to be made for all kinds of audit, consultancy and other services to be outsourced for the restructuring of cooperatives and unions, the expenses related to the Restructuring Board and the Executive Unit, and the operating loans needed by cooperatives and unions shall be covered from the general budget and the Support and Price Stabilization Fund expense account, taking into account the recommendations of the Restructuring Board.
No financial support shall be provided to cooperatives and unions by the State or other public legal entities other than the appropriations allocated from the 2000 Budget for restructuring purposes from the general budget and direct or indirect financial resources and loan guarantees provided for projects supported by international financial institutions.
The Ministry may appoint an auditor from among the members of the Ministry who are experienced in auditing or cooperatives to serve on the audit boards of unions during the restructuring period. The net monthly salary to be determined by the Ministry, not exceeding the highest civil servant salary (including additional indicators), shall be paid by the Union to those so appointed.
F) The economic enterprises owned by the unions as of the publication date of this Law may be transformed into joint stock companies within three years. For this purpose, and to be applied until 31/12/2003, the gains arising from the transfer of the shares of the cooperatives and unions established in accordance with the provisions of this Law to the joint stock companies to be established jointly and with 51% of their capital, and the gains arising from the sale or transfer of their shares in these companies to each other, to cooperative member producers, to cooperative and union employees or to real and legal persons for the purpose of liquidation of their debts are exempt from corporate tax.
The transactions of establishment, registration, issuance of share certificates of the companies in which cooperatives and unions hold at least 51% of the capital, and the sale or transfer of their shares in these companies to the aforementioned persons and organizations shall be exempt from the deductions specified in Article 28 of the Capital Markets Law No. 2499 and all kinds of taxes, duties and fees.
Transactions made within the scope of this article shall be deemed as transfer transactions written in Articles 37 to 39 of the Corporate Tax Law No. 5422 in terms of value added tax application.
G) During the restructuring period, if member producers request to leave the cooperative partnership, they shall not be refunded their capital shares. However, in the event that the economic enterprises owned by the unions are transformed into joint stock companies, they may become partners in these companies in proportion to their non-refunded capital shares. In this case, the partnership shares are calculated by multiplying the amount of products in return for the capital shares collected from the partners by the average purchase price realized in the last business year. This provision shall not apply to the capital share refunds to be made to the heirs of deceased partners.
H) Among the 230 personnel of Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions who were working in the Ministry as of 15/05/2000, those who apply in writing within one month as of the effective date of this Law and who will not be entitled to retirement in 2000 according to the social security legislation to which they are subject shall be appointed to the vacant civil servant positions of the Ministry. However, in case there are no suitable positions in the Ministry, they shall be appointed to the vacant civil servant positions of other public institutions and organizations in accordance with their status.
The service periods of the personnel appointed to civil servant positions pursuant to this Law in the Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions in the status of worker shall be evaluated in the determination of their earned right monthly degrees and grades, provided that they do not exceed the grade they can be promoted in terms of their educational status within the principles specified in the 7th subparagraph of subparagraph (c) of paragraph (c) of the “Common Provisions” section of Article 36 of the Civil Servants Law No. 657 and provided that there are vacant positions.
The past services of the personnel thus associated with the Pension Fund of the Republic of Turkey, which are not evaluated in their earned right monthly grades, shall be evaluated in their pensionable salaries in accordance with the provisions in force. No compensation shall be paid to such personnel in accordance with the labor legislation. Except for the periods for which severance pay was previously paid, the past service periods of these personnel, which are the basis for severance pay, shall be taken into account in the calculation of their retirement bonuses in accordance with the provisions of the Republic of Turkey Retirement Fund Law No. 5434.
The personnel within the scope of this paragraph who do not wish to transfer to civil servant positions shall be returned to the Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions within one month.
The State Personnel Presidency is authorized to determine the public institutions and organizations in need of personnel, to request the necessary information and documents and to determine other principles and procedures regarding the implementation.
Provisional Article 2 – (Additional Article: 17/09/2004 – 5234 S.K./ *1*
a) The Minister of Finance shall be authorized, upon the proposal of the Minister to whom the Undersecretariat of Treasury reports, to cancel the debts of the Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions to the Support and Price Stabilization Fund as of 1.5.2000, and those which are deemed appropriate to be liquidated in line with the recommendations of the Restructuring Board during the restructuring process of the Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions, and the interest that will arise during the period until the liquidation of these debts.
b) The Minister of Finance, upon the proposal of the Minister to whom the Undersecretariat of Treasury reports, is authorized to cancel the “recorded balance as of the date of liquidation” of the loans that are deemed appropriate to be liquidated during the restructuring process of the unions from the loans extended to the Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions by the Republic of Turkey Ziraat Bankası Anonim Şirketi under the conditions of Support and Price Stabilization Fund pursuant to the Council of Ministers Decree No. 99/13288 and converted into Treasury resources pursuant to the Council of Ministers Decree No. 2001/2312.
c) Bank debts of the Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions related to their special body activities existing before 1.5.2000, the principles and procedures regarding the amount and conditions under which such debts shall be assumed by the Treasury by taking into consideration the recommendations of the Restructuring Board during the restructuring process of the unions and the liquidation of the debts to be assumed within the framework of the provisions of the Law dated 28.3.2002 and numbered 4749 and the relevant year budget law shall be determined by the Council of Ministers.
Article 9 – This Law shall enter into force on the date of its publication.
Article 10 – The provisions of this Law shall be executed by the Council of Ministers.
Product Purchase (Producer) Transactions
It is an application where all information (proxies, guarantors, partnership information, etc.) of the producers are kept, all kinds of deductions (producer, Bağkur, stock exchange, etc.) can be tracked and reported.
Producer receipt is a document issued in duplicate when they pay the price of the goods they purchase from farmers who are not subject to tax in real procedure, one of which they are obliged to sign and give to the seller farmer and the other one they are obliged to sign and receive.
General Features
- It is possible to enter and manage all detailed information of the producer.
- The producer’s proxies, guarantors, lands, partnership information if he/she is a cooperative partner, and capital information can be tracked.
- Any number and name of deductions can be defined.
- It is possible to obtain a list of the deductions from the producers for Bağkur and stock exchange registration.
- Current account statement can be received periodically.
- A photograph of the producer can be attached.
- Purchase lists can be obtained in the desired format according to provinces, districts and villages.
- Capital increase control transactions used in cooperatives can also be made.
- Selection and eligibility lists can be retrieved.
- Product commitment quantities can be controlled on product and product group basis.
Cash Loan Transactions
It is an application that allows detailed tracking of cash loans given from unions to cooperatives and cooperative members, instant statements and aging reports. It is fully integrated with other modules of POROSkkoop.
General Specifications,
- Cash credit periods can be defined in any number and range.
- Restrictions can be made at the desired rates by setting cash credit limits.
- The cash loan periods and interest rates for these periods can be defined separately.
- Control reports can be obtained for the follow-up of cash loans that have been repaid.
- Cash loan payments can be matched with the loans and the calculated maturity difference amounts can be automatically reflected to the current account.
Shareholder Current Transactions
It is an application where cooperative members’ commercial activities with the cooperative are generally monitored. You can make detailed definitions of partner current accounts, get instant statements and aging reports. Debit and credit records from the integration are automatically reflected in the partner current accounts.
General Features
- The partner’s cooperative partnership information can be entered in detail.
- In addition to the identity information of the partner, Bağkur and exemption information can be tracked.
- It is possible to track the reasons for the dismissal of the partners who leave or are dismissed from the partnership.
- Issued liquidation invoices can be displayed on the common current account card.
- The shareholder’s proxies, guarantors, lands, partnership information if he/she is a cooperative member, and capital information can be tracked.
- A photo of the partner can be added.
- Purchase lists can be obtained in the desired format according to provinces, districts and villages.
- Capital increase control transactions of shareholders can be made.
- Selection and eligibility lists can be retrieved.
- Product commitment accrual lists can be received in the desired format.
Cooperative Business Operations
It is a windows-based application where all activities in the production enterprises within the cooperatives are followed. You can accept goods with hand terminals and follow all operations of the products within the enterprise.
General Features
- Windows-based and flexible, it supports standard PCs and handhelds.
- During the delivery of the products to the factory, weighing and delivery information can be entered on a mobile basis.
- The receipt form with the details of the delivered product and the current account can be printed out.
- Detailed information such as ‘Harvest type, Delivery type, Last spraying date’ can be entered for the received product.
- All operations of the delivered products within the factory can be carried out on a mobile basis.
- Production details of the final product can be monitored.
- Daily production reports can be received in desired detail.
- The storage of the products as a result of production can be tracked in the desired detail.
- Delivery of products can be made as many times as desired on a current card basis.
General Accounting transactions
It is an application where you can set up your accounting system according to special accounting periods, track your accounting transactions in original, local and standard currencies, support quantitative accounting as well as auxiliary accounts and expense location / expense type, income location / income type structure.
General Characteristics
- You can set up your accounting system according to special accounting periods and track your accounting transactions in original, local and standard currencies.
- You can define the account plan code structure according to the desired number of levels and get all reports based on each level you define.
- In addition to quantitative accounting, you can define auxiliary accounts and expense location/expense type, income location/income type structure outside the chart of accounts and get reports according to this structure.
- You can perform line copying, receipt balance closing, column copying operations in order to provide ease of use and serial entry in receipt entries (offsetting, collection, disbursement, etc.).
- You can follow up the accounts according to the quantity units you specify in the accounts. You can monitor the quantity in the detailed reports that exist on the basis of trial balance, supplementary and account, and you can automatically get graphical images from all financial statement data created.
- You can optionally finalize integration receipts from different modules (inventory, fixed assets, personnel, etc.) automatically or in a controlled manner by collecting them in a data pool.
- You can quickly copy accounting slips or change the general properties of slips. By defining reflection accounts, you can create reflection receipts between the desired dates.
- You can create automatic closing and opening receipts at the end of the period.
- You can receive all legally valid books and reports (journal, ledger, general ledger, subsidiary ledger, balance sheet, income statement, fund flow statement, cash flow statement, e-statements, etc.) in different currencies.
Chart of Accounts
- You can organize the account plan code structure according to the desired number of levels and get all reports based on each level defined in the account.
- You can associate a defined account with expense locations and types.
- You can get reports about the expense location and type defined in the account.
- You can follow the account details that you do not want to be followed in the chart of accounts by defining auxiliary accounts. You can get trial balance and supplementary reports based on the defined auxiliary accounts.
- With the quantity units to be specified in the account definition, you can monitor the quantity in the trial balance, supplementary and detailed reports that exist on account basis.
- In order to provide ease of use and serial entry in receipt entries, you can perform line copying, receipt balance closing, column copying operations.
Accounting receipt transactions
- In order to provide ease of use and serial entry in receipt entries, you can perform line copying, receipt balance closing, column copying operations.
- You can track account receipt movements with the help of the expense location and expense type associated with the account.
- You can collect integration receipts from different modules in a data pool to control them and finalize them in a controlled manner.
- You can quickly copy accounting vouchers within the company or between group companies or change the general properties of the voucher.
- By using different receipt numbering options, you can track your receipt numbers by Region, Year, Month, Day, receipt types.
- You can track accounting transactions in three different currencies (Local, Original, Standard) at the same time and get reports according to these currencies.
Financial reports
- You can prepare user-defined financial reports in the accounting system.
- You can automatically get graphical images from all generated financial statement data.
- You can generate financial reports in different currencies.
- You can automatically prepare financial statements such as balance sheet table, income statement, fund flow statement, cash flow statement on a period basis and between the desired dates, and report them according to the desired currency.
- You can get trial balance and balance according to the account breakdowns you want.
End of period transactions
- You can create an automatic closing/opening receipt at the end of the period.
- You can set up your accounting system according to special accounting periods and get all kinds of legal reports.
- You can automatically copy the automatically generated opening receipt to another company of your choice.
- You can perform official book shooting for control purposes without receiving official book transcripts.
Safe deposit operations
- Define cash registers according to different currencies within the Accounting System.
- You can automatically receive daily cash book reports for the defined cash registers.
Budget Transactions
Sales, Production, Personnel, General etc. It is a parametric application that provides the budget structure in an integrated way and you can get the actual reports (daily, monthly and annual) in detail and in the desired currency.
The Budget Module is an ideal solution for businesses to easily prepare their financial budgets and receive detailed reporting. You can create an unlimited number of budget drafts and monitor one of them as an active budget and another as a forecast budget. You can revise your budgets during the year. You can prepare your budgets in foreign currency and take into account the effect of inflation. You can transfer actual transactions directly from accounting, inventory, invoice, current account or you can enter some or all of them manually according to your needs.
General characteristics;
- You can prepare draft budgets as many times and periodically as you wish.
- You can make estimated exchange rate definitions for budget estimation in the system.
- You can prepare budgets in different currencies and by department (sales, production, finance, personnel, general budget, etc.).
- You can approve any of the draft budgets as the actual budget.
- Income and Expense budgets can be tracked daily, monthly and annually.
- You can define income/expense departments (department groups) and income/expense types (type groups) under these departments in the budget.
- If income/expense departments and income/expense types under this department are defined in General Ledger, you can automatically transfer them to the budget module.
- You can automatically transfer the data realized in the General Accounting and Personnel modules to the budget and get comparison reports (+/- deviations) instantly.
- You can make planned to actual budget comparisons.
Personnel Budget
You can prepare draft staff budgets in any number and currency, and assign one of them as the approved budget. And it is possible to compare any draft budget (other than the approved staff budget) with the actual staff budget during the year.
You can define the types and numbers of personnel to be employed in the months of the budget year and make simulations on different wages.
Front Office Budget
You can prepare a draft front office budget in any number and currency and assign one of them as the approved budget. And it is possible to compare the actual (daily, monthly and annual) front office budget with any draft budget (other than the approved front office budget) during the year.
You can define the targeted markets (countries) for the budget year and define these countries under different groups (Baltic countries, Middle East, etc.) and put sales figures for these countries.
While sales prices can be entered as a forecast, the room rates obtained from the contracts entered for the next season in the current season are automatically entered into the front office budget and the average room rates for those markets are formed.
Every night during the end of day operations, revenue values are transferred to the front office budget and daily comparative reports are available the next morning.
General Budget
You can prepare a draft general budget in any number and currency and assign one of them as the approved budget. And it is possible to compare the actual (daily, monthly and annual) overall budget during the year with any overall budget (other than the approved overall budget).
Within the General Budget, you can define all kinds of income/expense departments (department groups) and income/expense types (type groups) under these departments, and determine the integration conditions with Personnel Budget, Front Office Budget and General Accounting.
Daily, monthly and annual follow-ups can be made in the BUDGET module. Budget module is fully integrated with General Ledger. General Expense Place / General Expense Type, General Income Place / General Income Type definitions made in General Accounting and the relationship of these definitions to the accounting account plan are automatically transferred to the budget module.
Current Account Transactions
It is an application where you can make detailed definitions of your current accounts (Vendor, Customer, Bank etc.), get instant statements, aging reports and as a result, you can easily manage all finances. Debit and credit records from the integration are automatically reflected to current accounts. With this application;
Current card transactions
- You can define current account cards as alphanumeric and numeric and get detailed and cumulative reports.
- You can include current cards in different groups as you wish and get reports based on these groups.
- You can define any number of detail accounts on a single current card and get all reports based on these accounts.
- You can enter transactions to a current card in different currencies at the same time and get all the desired reports.
- You can enter detailed population information on current cards, follow bank accounts and special information about the card.
- You can define a placement code for current cards and track risk and customer transactions on placement basis.
- You can define account-specific calendar codes in current card details and track payment days and currencies.
- You can follow the bank, branch and account details of the current account.
Current movement transactions
- You can enter current transactions in different currencies.
- By defining transaction codes with different properties and names, you can also track transaction details on the basis of transaction type.
- You can match the debts and receivables of current transactions according to the criteria you want and get maturity difference, debt / receivable analysis reports.
- Debt settlement and receivable settlement options can be used optionally with the settlement transaction programs.
- Open debts can be tracked with closing information control reports.
Current transaction reporting transactions
- You can report current card transactions in different currencies according to transaction codes.
- You can follow the latest status of your company from a single report by getting a general debit / credit trial balance.
- You can quickly access the summarized information you want with the help of the summary reports.
- You can track customer collection and risk thanks to current account aging reports.
Current accounts collateral transactions
- You can retrieve the collateral information received based on the current card.
- By defining different collateral types, you can get summary reports for collateral types.
- Thanks to the collateral warning lists, you can get the report of collaterals whose expiration date is approaching.
- You can track collateral types (Cash, Check, Promissory Note, Bank collateral).
- You can get collateral reports according to banks.
Inventory Operations
It is a Windows-based application where you can define an unlimited number of warehouses, units and flexible levels of stock cards, and at the end of the month, you can automatically cost and report according to the desired price tracking method. You can quickly make recipe definitions, counting operations and transfers between warehouses.
You can define stock cards by giving them as many levels as you want and collect them under different groups. You can define an unlimited number of warehouses and units and report your stocks according to these definitions (warehouses, units, etc.). You can quickly make counting transactions, counting difference receipts, transfers between warehouses, prescription definitions of the product. You can automatically make costing at the end of the month according to the desired price tracking method and get reports.
General Characteristics
- You can define stock cards by giving them as many levels as you want and you can group them under different groups.
- In stock cards, you can define minimum/maximum stock levels, minimum order quantity, economic order quantity, average lead times, width, length, height, packaging information, shelf life, etc., as well as barcode definitions (used in the company, sales, purchasing, etc.).
- You can define an unlimited number of warehouses, locations and units and report your stocks according to these definitions (warehouses, locations, units, etc.).
- You can quickly make counting transactions, counting difference receipts, transfers between warehouses, and recipe definitions for finished goods.
- At the end of the month, you can automatically make costing according to the desired price tracking method and get reports.
- You can define accounting integration definitions at the desired level as stock card, main group, subgroup and general, and you can make stock and accounting integration in a parametric way.
Stock card operations
- You can define an unlimited number of auxiliary units in addition to the main unit in stock cards and get all your reports based on the defined units.
- You can define stock card groups in any number and breakdown you want.
- You can get detailed and cumulative reports thanks to the groups defined on stock cards.
- You can follow the details of stock cards such as width, length, height, packaging information.
- For stock cards, you can follow the barcodes specified in sales and purchases by defining them separately.
- You can define recipes with different characteristics of the product.
- In addition to the minimum and maximum stock quantities defined for stock cards, you can track order quantity, economic order quantity, shelf life and average lead time.
Inventory Receipt Operations
- You can duplicate stock movement codes in any number and type.
- You can specify the default properties of Entry-Exit-Transfer transactions according to the created transaction types. You can make quick entry during receipt transactions.
- You can track stock statuses on warehouse and general basis and get stock statuses in all warehouses on a single report.
- Thanks to the color codes in the receipt entry program, the general characteristics of the receipts entered can be determined from the screen.
- You can track the user information of the user who made the entry and modification of the receipt.
- You can define stock accounting accounts at the level you want as stock card, main group, subgroup and general, and you can make accounting integration in a parametric way.
Inventory reporting
- Thanks to the parametrically prepared inventory reports, you can get reports in the detail you want.
- You can create all reports in different units defined on the stock card.
- You can get your stock quantity in all warehouses in a single report, or you can get all movement reports in a single warehouse.
- You can get inventory inventory reports by grouping according to different movement types.
- Inventory reports can be received consistently and quantitatively in main groups.
Counting operations
- You can perform counting operations repeatedly on the dates you want.
- You can create count reports according to different criteria. You can get pre-count and post-count reports.
- By entering the results of the counting you have done, you can automatically create counting surplus and deficit receipts.
Invoice Transactions
It is an application where stock, current, accounting, budget etc. integrations can be made in a simple way thanks to flexible movement codes, parametric discounts and discounts can be defined according to needs, waybill and invoice (purchase / sale) transactions are followed in the most detailed way.
Invoice general operations
- With the help of flexible movement codes definition, you can specify the desired number and type of movement codes.
- You can decide whether to perform stock, current and accounting integrations according to the parameters in the details of the transaction codes.
- You can associate the defined discounts and additional costs with the transaction codes and specify whether they will be made on the line or in total.
- You can define discounts and additional costs according to product groups defined in the inventory module and current type groups defined in the current module.
Invoice / delivery note movement transactions
- You can enter dispatch notes and invoices with different characteristics based on transaction codes.
- The defined fixed discount amounts and rates can be changed according to the user’s request in the delivery note and invoice entry.
- During Waybill and Invoice transactions, the selected current card balance is automatically displayed to the user.
- The stock card quantity information selected in the detail entry is automatically displayed to the user.
- Buying and selling transactions can be realized in different units defined on the stock card.
- You can ensure that the price comes automatically from the defined price lists.
- You can view integration information in invoice / delivery note information entry.
- You can automatically track uninvoiced delivery note information.
- You can ensure that the shipping address information defined on the current card is automatically received when entering invoices and delivery notes, and you can optionally update the shipping information on the basis of the delivery note.
- You can define the VAT structure to be used in Buying and Selling transactions in the parameters and make quick entries with the help of these parameters.
- You can decide whether to perform stock, current and accounting integrations according to the parameters in the details of the transaction codes.
- You can invoice automatically from waybill transactions and match multiple waybills with a single invoice.
Invoice / delivery note purchase / sale report transactions
- You can get VAT invoice reports according to the invoices you enter.
- Mal can get detailed profitability report.
- You can get invoice and special reports from the invoice / delivery note details entered.
- You can get total and product group reports based on vendor companies.
Laboratory and Quality Control Operations
It is the application where quality control operations are performed during goods acceptance and production processes. By entering the analysis results made in the laboratory, acceptance and rejection processes are evaluated according to the results.
General Specifications,
- Simultaneous assessments can be made at multiple control points and laboratories within the enterprise.
- Screen designs were made taking into account data and information security in international standards.
- Analysis definitions can be made in desired number and features.
- Erroneous entries can be prevented by evaluating the analysis results limits.
- Barcodes and labels can be printed on samples taken for analysis.
- Analysis request form entry and form printing can be done separately.
- Witness samples taken and stored for analysis and destroyed at the end of the storage period can be tracked.
- Approval controls can be placed at the desired level of the analyzes performed.
- The information entered can be reported and laboratory logbooks can be printed.
- Analysis results can be designed in the desired printed forms.
Fixed Asset Transactions
In addition to the detailed and collective tracking of fixed assets registered in the enterprise, you can keep all the detailed information of the fixtures purchased through financial leasing in the system. You can also make depreciation and revaluation calculations, fixed asset purchase/sale details and embezzlement transactions. With this application;
- By opening a card for fixtures, you can track type, department, department code, purchase and sale information.
- You can provide fast entry by making inventory entries in bulk and on unit basis.
- You can follow the details of purchase and sale of fixtures and warranty expiries in detail.
- You can make and report embezzlement transactions to personnel.
- You can keep all the detailed information of the fixtures purchased through financial leasing in the system.
- You can make periodic depreciation calculations and offset them.
- You can get depreciation and revaluation ledgers by type, expense location and departments based on the entry date.
- You can make accounting integration of buying and selling transactions.
- In addition to ready-made reports, you can quickly prepare different reports thanks to the flexible reporting tool.
- Thanks to the accounting integration, you can automatically create offsets for purchase, sale and periodic depreciation amounts.
Personnel Transactions
It is an application where you can make personnel and accrual transactions (from gross to net, from net to gross) of your personnel working both in labor status and according to the 657 state civil servants law. With the difference payroll, you can create domestic and international travel, advance, seniority / notice, private health, etc. payrolls.
General Characteristics
- You can transfer the registry information of your personnel to the system in the most detailed way (including pictures).
- You can track and report all kinds of movements of your personnel within the organization (salary, duty, workplace, department, sub-department, etc.).
- You can create payrolls for domestic and international travel, advances, severance / notice, private health, difference, etc.
- You can make monthly accruals as gross to net and net to gross.
- You can prepare and send all kinds of legal reports as well as various declarations in electronic environment.
- You can run it fully integrated with different personnel attendance control systems and set up an automatic payroll generation structure.
- You can quickly make staff raises according to different formulas.
- You can make formula definitions on all income, deductions and discounts used in the payroll, and you can determine the calendars in which these income, deductions and discounts will be used and make them automatically active in the desired month.
- You can create an automatic offset of all payrolls made.
Personnel general operations
- You can define task codes hierarchically according to the organization chart in your organization.
- You can make formula definitions on all income, deductions and discounts that you will use in the payroll, and you can determine the calendar in which these income, deductions and discounts will be used and count them to be automatically output in the month you want.
- You can define reason codes for any changes made to the employee card.
- You can make all kinds of legal regulations and information changes parametrically.
- You can define wage payment information parameters and define the bank and currency of payment.
Personnel information
- You can make the wages and all other earnings of the personnel on a monthly, daily, hourly, net or gross basis according to the desired currency.
- You can separate your personnel by workplace, department, sub-department and payroll group to which they belong and get all your lists according to this information.
- In the personnel card, you can keep a lot of information about the personnel, from their personal information to all the schools they have attended to their favorite football team.
- You can see the history of retrospective salary, position, department, sub-department and workplace information changes of the personnel.
- You can make wage increases quickly according to the formula you will give.
- You can ensure that information from the personnel attendance control system (PDKS) is automatically received into the system.
- If personnel payments are made through banks, you can prepare payment information according to the bank and branch where the personnel receive their salary and transmit it electronically.
- You can track employee family information in a detailed way.
- You can enter personnel union information and ensure that it is taken into account in all kinds of legal proceedings.
- You can keep track of all embezzled and non-embezzled equipment given to the personnel, and you can also track the period and details of the in-kind aid given.
- You can make formal and informal leave plans for your company and report the leave book containing personnel leave information.
Personnel payroll information
- You can create any number and type of payrolls for the month.
- You can make formula definitions on all income, deductions and discounts that you will use in the payroll, and you can determine the calendar in which these income, deductions and discounts will be used and count them to be automatically output in the month you want.
- You can make the difference transactions of all payrolls made for the personnel, and you can ensure that the ssk declarations of these difference payrolls are received as additional declarations.
- Special expense deduction information can be tracked on an employee basis and these amounts can be reflected in the payrolls made during the month.
- You can create payroll and payroll in bulk between workplace department, sub-department, personnel group, personnel registration limits.
- You can track personnel debt and automatically reflect installment repayments to the payroll.
- If personnel payments are made through banks, you can prepare payment information according to the bank and branch where the personnel receive their salary and transmit it electronically.
- You can issue an advance payroll for the advance payments given to the personnel during the month.
- You can make domestic and international travel, severance, notice, private health payrolls.
- You can create automatic offset of all payrolls you make.
- In case the employee receives his/her salary from more than one company, you can distribute it by entering the distribution rates according to the companies and ensure that payment lists, declarations, etc. are received on a company basis.
- You can enter the missing days of the personnel and ensure that they are taken into account in the declarations.
Personnel reports
- You can report your personnel by workplace, department, subdivision and payroll group to which they belong.
- In addition to reporting general information of the personnel, you can get signature, address information reports.
- You can get icmal and detail reports of all personnel payrolls made.
- You can get reports of wage and task changes made on the personnel card.
- You can get horizontal and vertical payroll reports in the desired breakdown.
- You can get the staff health certificate together with your relatives.
- You can report personnel leave plans and leave books at any time.
- You can create a bank list for personnel payments.
Cost Accounting Transactions
It is an application that optionally calculates the current production cost of the products in production enterprises according to the stages. The application consists of the main steps of 1st distribution, 2nd distribution and calculation of production cost.
General Features
- Any number of phases can be defined.
- Overhead costs can be automatically received from the accounting system on an expense location basis before the 1st distribution.
- Costs incurred in auxiliary service locations can be 2nd allocated with the help of the keys given to the main production expense locations in the expense type.
- Components used in production are automatically assigned to finished goods first material costs.
- The costs incurred at the end of the stages are automatically updated to the inventory system and production cost is created.
- Distribution keys can be defined as many times as desired at the beginning of the section.
- Costs can be calculated in different units defined for products.
- The resulting cost receipts are automatically integrated into the accounting system.
- Production costs report, unit cost report, contribution share reports can be received in the desired format.
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