Biltas E-Ledger Solutions
What is e-Ledger?
e-Ledger Application
It is a system that records the information contained in the books that must be kept in accordance with the Tax Procedure Law (TPL) and Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) electronically. It is a set of electronic records regardless of the form provisions.
e-Ledger Certificate
It is the electronic file of the books created electronically, certified with the GIB Financial Seal in accordance with the standards set by the Presidency.
XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language)
It is an internationally recognized standard in XML format used for the electronic preparation of ledgers.

e-Ledger Legal Obligations
Who will implement it?
As of 2014, e-Ledger is mandatory for companies that have switched to e-Invoice. Other companies can switch optionally.
What is the application process?
- Written application
- Financial Seal
- Compatible Software
Criminal Sanctions
Taxpayers who do not comply with the E-Ledger obligations are subject to the penalty provisions of the Tax Procedure Law. Those who keep books in paper media are deemed not to have kept any books.
BİLTAS e-Ledger System
and Implementation Process
BİLTAS e-Ledger System
BİLTAS offers GIB approved e-Ledger program. In line with the data in this system, the relevant books are created quickly and practically to be sent to the GIB System by selecting the year and month.
e-Ledger Process Steps
- e-Ledger signing with e-Signature/Fiscal Seal.
- Berat creation and signing procedures.
- The approved Berat file is uploaded back to the system via GIB and kept by the entity during the legal retention period.

There are no recorded documents.
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