Quality Management System
Quality Management and Process Optimization
Importance and Application Areas of Quality Management System
Today’s world has become much smaller, and major developments in the fields of information, technology and communication have pushed societies into a fierce competition and an economic race in which new developments are taking place every day. Survival in the current world order can only be realized by ensuring the production of goods and services in accordance with customer needs and expectations in all sectors. This will only be possible through the implementation of the Quality Management System, which covers all stages from the design stage to production, marketing and after-sales services and aims continuous improvement.
Effective quality management aims to achieve the continuous satisfaction of your customers by developing a common-sense documentation and recording system that is flexible and easy to implement. The effectiveness of a management system depends not only on people’s skills but also on how they are used.

BSOFTQuality Integrated Quality Management System Solution
BSOFTquality is a quality management system that enables you to establish a paperless quality system and manage all processes by organizing and controlling the documents and records used in quality systems such as ISO 9000, 9001, 14001, OHSAS 18001. BSOFT Quality works in an integrated manner with other modules aiming at total quality and controls all business processes that constitute quality.
BSOFT Quality is a 100% web-based total quality management software with a flexible, parametric and modular structure, developed using Microsoft ASP/ASP.NET technology, where you can make workflows and authorizations on a role basis. You can make role definitions within BSOFT Quality as well as using the personnel / human resources applications used within the organization.
General Characteristics
- Parametric Infrastructure
- Flexible Control and Approval Logic
- Password and Authorization Management System
- Multiple workplace support
- Workflow approach supported by e-mail
- Flexible Reporting and Graphics
- Adaptive Warning Mechanism
- Ability to easily introduce Job/Title changes
- Delegation of authority on leave
- Easy document transfer during the first transition to the system
- Web-based structure
- .NET architecture
- Access via Internet Explorer
- Active Directory Integration
- SQL Server database support
- Ability to work with all SMTP / POP3 compatible mail systems (Notes, Outlook, Exchange etc.)

BSOFTQuality Program
BSOFT Quality quality program includes the following modules. And you can use these application modules integrated with each other or independently.
- General Parameter and Definition Operations,
- Document Management,
- Process Management,
- Environmental Management,
- Corrective and Preventive Actions Management
- Audit Activities Management
- Occupational Health and Safety System,
- Calibration Management,
- Customer Complaint Management,
- Meeting Management,
- Survey Operations,
- Education Operations Management
Importance of Quality Management System
and Implementation
Survival in today’s world can be realized by ensuring the production of goods and services in accordance with customer needs and expectations in all sectors. This will only be possible through the implementation of the Quality Management System, which covers all stages from design to production, marketing and after-sales services and aims continuous improvement.
Today’s world has become much smaller, and major developments in the fields of information, technology and communication have pushed societies into a fierce competition and an economic race in which new developments are taking place every day. Your product may be the best quality product in the world, your service may be excellent. But if your customers do not receive it on time and always to the appropriate standard, they will change their preferences.

Effective Quality Management and
ISO 9000 Standards
Effective quality management aims to achieve the continuous satisfaction of your customers by developing a common-sense documentation and recording system that is flexible and easy to implement. The effectiveness of a management system depends not only on people’s skills but also on how they are used.
Today, ISO 9000 Quality System Standards on Quality Management System has become the international standards that have found the most interest and application area since its publication in 1987.
What is ISO 9001:2000?
ISO 9001 Quality Management System is a necessary tool to ensure customer satisfaction and profitability with a customer-oriented and continuous improvement philosophy. It can be applied to all kinds of organizations, from small to large, from industry to service, from public to private sector.
It plays a leading role in increasing productivity, reducing costs, continuous improvement and institutionalization. 9000 is the code of the standard; 2000 refers to the year it was written. ISO 9001: 2000 is not a document given to a product, but a Quality Management System that can be applied to all kinds of organizations. ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System can be established by any organization in the private and public sector.
ISO 9001: The purpose of the establishment of the 2000 Quality Management System; By determining all stages in the production of goods or services of the enterprise and creating a kind of manual of the enterprise, it is to try to create business processes where the same quality result will be obtained every time.
All organizations in the production, service, software and hardware sectors can benefit from this system. For example, foreign trade marketing companies, hospitals, municipalities, manufacturing enterprises, hotels, restaurants… The sector of the company is not important for the implementation of ISO 9001:2000. ISO 9001:2000 focuses on the management system, not on what the organization is working on or not. In addition, the size or small size of the enterprise, how many people work does not prevent the system from being established. A 2-person business and a 1000-person business are both covered by ISO 9001.

What is quality?
Quality can also be defined as “the ability of a good or service to meet customer expectations and requirements”. Depending on the expectations of consumers, the concept of quality is a concept that varies according to society, cultural development of society, tastes and habits. The aim is to better capture customer tastes and requirements and to produce better goods/services than competitors.
Customer satisfaction; the customer makes the final decision on whether the product or service is good or not.
It is a process; it enables ongoing development. It is an investment; in the long run, it is cheaper to do something right than to fix it later. Quality is following a program, doing things on time. Quality is a systematic approach to perfection. Quality is conformity to requirements.
The International Standard Bureau ISO’s definition of quality is as follows: “quality is all of the characteristics of a good or service that reveal their ability to meet a specific requirement.”
What is the quality policy?
All trends determined by the highest authorities of the organization. In short, it can be summarized as “CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” and “CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT”.
What is quality management?
All activities aimed at determining the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities and realizing them through methods such as planning and control within the quality system.

Total Quality Management What is TQM?
Total quality management TQM can be defined as “a management philosophy that takes exceeding internal and external customer expectations as the main objective, aims to inform and empower employees and to continuously improve all processes through teamwork”. Within this definition, QUALITY refers to meeting and exceeding customer expectations, while UNQUALITY refers to the total damage to society.
CUSTOMER is the person who uses the product or service produced by the processes in the business. We call those within the organization the INTERNAL CUSTOMER and those who buy these products or services with money the EXTERNAL CUSTOMER. The T of TQM encompasses the totality, the involvement of all employees, all aspects of the work done, all customers and all products and services produced. K stands for quality, that is, meeting customers’ current expectations and needs in full and on time, and providing them with products and services that exceed their future expectations. Y is for management to lead employees in all matters, to set an exemplary model for employees and to ensure participatory management throughout the company.
What is the purpose of Total Quality Management?
With T.K.Y, quality mobilization has been initiated. It is possible to list the objectives as follows.
- Preventing wastefulness.
- Improving efficiency.
- Reducing costs.
- Reducing processing times.
- Continuous quality improvement.
- Continuous improvement and development.

What is the purpose of Total Quality Management training?
The main objective of total quality management training is to increase the productivity of employees. It is to raise the level of personnel inputs to improve the quality of production.
What is service quality?
It is a measure of how well the level of service provided matches customer expectations. Providing quality service means responding to customer expectations in a harmonized structure.
What does customer orientation mean?
The quality of our products and services is ultimately evaluated by the customer. Therefore, customer orientation means “customer demands and expectations” and “how to offer added value”.
How ISO 9001 Helps Your Business
Ensures customer satisfaction
Controls costs
Minimizes losses
Ensures continuous improvement
Reduces errors
Increases productivity
Increases profitability
Builds trust with your customers.
Enables effective competition
Increases employee motivation.
It allows more efficient use of time and resources.
Strengthens communication with internal and external customers.

ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System Establishment Stages
1 – Determination of Current Situation
Generally, every organization has a formal / semi-formal / informal working system. It would be an appropriate start to identify this existing system, to determine the appropriate aspects that are useful for our business and to use this as the basis for the quality management system to be established.
2 – Quality Management System Formation Plan
In order to make the most effective use of the time and power of the team that will organize the quality system activities and other units that will support this team, it is the stage of determining the issues to be addressed and those responsible and putting this into a timetable. This plan is reviewed periodically and updated if necessary.
3 – Education
The quality management system is first introduced to key employees at appropriate levels. In training activities, rather than transferring all the details to each employee in the same way and with the same intensity, appropriate details and content are transferred to the leveled authorities and responsibilities. Only in this way can we effectively use our existing resources (trainers, training participants and related costs) and not overwhelm everyone with unnecessary details.
4 – Establishment of Quality Management System
If a quality management system is not something to be implemented by one person and one department, it will not be sufficient for one person and one department to perform during its establishment. Therefore, regardless of the format, the basic principle should be to ensure participation as much as possible in the establishment of the quality management system. The practical application on this issue is usually to form working teams according to the size of the organization. These teams will be actively involved in the establishment and creation of the relevant units, systems/documentation. Rather than having the system dictated by the consultant or the quality officer, this approach will also be appropriate for users to take ownership of the system in the later implementation phases.
5 – Conducting Internal Audits
After it is decided that the formation of the quality management system is completed, internal audits are carried out to check whether the subsystems are working as planned, whether they are in harmony with each other and their effectiveness. The nonconformities / areas open to improvement identified here are addressed within a plan.
6 – Review
Senior management reviews the quality management system; internal audits, objectives, corrective/preventive actions, processes and their performance, customer complaints and satisfaction, improvement activities, resource needs, and ensures the effectiveness and continuity of the system.

Document Management
The first reason for the lack of success of the Quality Systems established in institutions is that the form-based systems used are not practical due to the excessive burden they place on the quality control team and those concerned, and that critical efficiency analyses and situation reviews required by the management cannot be carried out.
The aim of Document Management is to create a flexible and practical record tracking system that compiles the forms within the scope of the Quality Management System and other documents of the organizations together; while running daily work orders through this system, on the other hand, to lighten the burden of quality and management systems.
The other most important benefit is that by keeping the documents in the information processing environment instead of folders, it both speeds up the workflow and enables decisions to be made more effectively by receiving analysis data in a short time. Thus, organizations will gain a document management system infrastructure that will support their own management, idle or inefficient quality systems, quick access to information and quality assurance systems.
For this purpose, BİLTAŞ has developed the QMAN Quality Document Management System, which solves the Quality Management and document management needs of institutions by transforming the documentation infrastructure of institutions implementing the Quality Management System into a system integrated into the information processing environment.
QMAN Document Management System Software is the quality document management module of QMAN Quality Management System. ISO 9000, ISO 14000, QS9000, QS9000, OHSAS 18000 etc. It allows the management of quality documents of organizations that have received or want to receive quality certificates belonging to standard series in web (intranet/internet) environment. With QMAN_DYS, you can perform the preparation, opinion collection, approval, distribution, revision and cancellation of quality documents on the web.
QMAN_DYS is the basic IT infrastructure for organizations, providing “paperless office management” and keeping “live data” instead of the printed form-based systems used in traditional quality management systems or ISO studies. Thanks to the successful integration of QMAN_DYSwith other management systems; it provides quality control performance improvement to the management and related units in organizing workflows. By enabling organizations to compile more information in less time, it enables a more effective “management” application in accordance with ISO norms.
QMAN_DYS can be easily commissioned for organizations that have not yet received the quality certificate. For organizations that have already prepared their quality documents and even received a certificate, this information can be easily transferred to the software and transition can be made. In both cases, transferring your documentation system to QMAN_DYSis effortless. The document coding system and document templates can be designed by you, completely unique to your organization, or you can use the ready-made templates included in QMAN_DYS.
Document Preparation Process
- Preparation
- Opinion
- Control
- Approval
- Publishing
You can define all your in-house standard forms and make them available to users. You can also receive the revision requests requested in the forms and follow the revision changes made step by step. You can create your working documents and ensure internal standardization. In addition, you can provide users with the most up-to-date version of the documents they want and ensure that the documents are taken as needed, preventing the accumulation of empty forms in the units and minimizing the waste of paper.
General Characteristics
- You can create new documents, request new documents, track document requests, revision and archive operations.
- You can classify your documents and group them according to departments. You can distribute controlled documents, track controlled documents and get instant reports on this subject.
- You can set restrictions such as not being able to modify, copy and print the desired documents, you can limit the access of documents by creating different user groups, so you can maximize the security of all documents.
- You can request new documents and revisions, review the past revision requests of the document you are requesting revision for, and access the pre-revision status of the documents.
- When a new document is published, you can submit it to the approval of the relevant people and track the results. You can query newly published draft documents and track approval.
- You can easily access all quality documents in a categorized format, read the content of the documents you access, as well as review the additional forms, related documents and revisions of these documents.
- When a new document is published, you can submit it to the approval of the relevant people and track the results. You can query newly published draft documents and track approval.
- You can easily access all quality documents in a categorized format, read the content of the documents you access, as well as review the additional forms, related documents and revisions of these documents.
Process Management
Process Management is the identification, definition, documentation and assignment of ownership of all processes of the company, regular monitoring and evaluation of process performance indicators and, when necessary, minor improvements or redesigns in order to understand and improve how processes are working today.
Every product or service is the result of a process. Just as there cannot be a product/service without a process, there cannot be a process without a product/service. A process is a set of activities that transforms one or more inputs into multiple outputs for the customer.
Objectives of Process Management
- Promote customer-oriented management
- Systematic approach to company priorities
- Improving inter-functional relationships by eliminating functional boundaries
- Identifying activities that do not create added value
- Ensuring effective use of resources
- Identifying opportunities for recovery
- Providing the advantage of fast decision making
- Clear identification of responsibilities
Starting with the concept of ‘kaizen’ (continuous improvement) in Japan after the Second World War and gradually becoming widespread in the world and in Turkey, ‘quality’ studies have process logic at their core. Process Management is vital for companies that want to establish a system according to the Total Quality EFQM Excellence model or to switch to CRM – Customer Relationship Management, which has gained popularity in recent years, or to obtain ISO 9001 certification. The concepts of ‘process management, monitoring of process indicators and continuous improvement’, which were not included in the 1994 version of the ISO 9001 standard, are now included in the ISO 9001: 2000 revision.
For this purpose, BİLTAŞ has developed the QMAN Process Management System, which solves the Quality Management and process management needs of institutions by transforming the documentation infrastructure of institutions implementing the Quality Management System into a system integrated into the information processing environment.
QMAN Process Management System provides the necessary infrastructure for modeling, visually documenting, determining process performance indicators and managing the existing processes in an organization. It is developed as web-based on Microsoft .NET platform.
QMAN Process Management System is designed as a tool that enables organizations to move from a functional-oriented management approach to a process-oriented management approach. The system can be used by all users from senior managers to employees at all levels for process and performance management, training and information sharing.
- Developed with Microsoft . NET technology and is fully object-oriented.
- It has an extremely easy to learn and use user interface.
- Processes can be modeled graphically at as many levels as desired.
- All kinds of documents, inputs, outputs, responsible persons, resources, etc. related to the processes can be defined.
- You can track process inputs, process outputs, resources, processes affected by the processes you have defined and report process plans instantly.
- The system has its own secure file format. This file format, which is a process database in a sense, has a structure that responds to all kinds of queries. In this way, job descriptions and departmental responsibilities can be queried and analyzed from the perspective of process and process resources.
- Multi-level integrated models can be created to help develop and improve processes, and process models prepared in different files can be displayed together.
- Reports can be obtained by monitoring the performance criteria of the processes.
- You can open a DÖF for nonconformities that may arise in the processes, and you can follow the opened DÖFs from the system. You can determine the documents related to the processes and facilitate the access of the relevant people.
- Warning and alarm thresholds and actual realization values of process performance indicators (metrics) can be defined.
- It has an integrated structure with documentation systems.
Audit Activities Management
In organizations trying to implement the Quality Management System, it is very important to manage internal audit processes effectively and make them more efficient. This requires the implementation of a series of practices aimed at goals such as tracking the labor-intensive and time-critical work in internal audit processes electronically, thereby increasing cooperation and efficiency between the audit department and other departments.
BİLTAŞ has developed the “Audit Management System”, which is an important part of the Quality Management System, which creates added value in terms of both financial and time by ensuring the planning, implementation and evaluation of the results of internal audits conducted in various periods.
QMAN Audit Management System is a web-based management module designed to audit processes or departments in a quality management system in a practical, fast and reliable way, to measure their performance and to take measures in a short time.
With QMAN Audit Management System, audit department processes can be defined in detail, and responsible persons who are automatically informed can record the actions they take regarding the audit processes in the system. On the other hand, the records related to the audit processes created in the system can be created inputs for detailed analysis with the reporting module. Thanks to its modular infrastructure, it can be easily integrated with other modules of the Quality Management System.
In addition, the fact that the QMAN Audit ManagementSystem is web-based and the reports generated in the main system can be easily viewed via the web interface over the internet/intranet without the need for additional license costs ensures that the needs in this area are easily met and increases the productivity of employees with an easy-to-use and interpretable user interface.
- The application is developed with Microsoft . NET technology and is fully object-oriented.
- It has an extremely easy to learn and use user interface.
- The system is designed with a parametric structure.
- You can create question guides, associate questions with departments or processes, and ensure that they are ready to be used in planned audits.
- You can track active auditors by creating auditor pools.
- You can ensure that audits are performed on a department and process basis.
- By preparing a draft audit plan, you can ensure that the audit plan is finalized by sending a warning via message to be reviewed by those responsible for the parts to be audited.
- The questions of the finalized audits are prepared by the system, you can view the parts to be audited, auditors, audit times and question lists in the prepared audit report. You can follow it through the system or send it to the relevant departments via e-mail.
- You can evaluate and report the internal audit planning, implementation and results that you implement in various periods.
- You can shorten the preliminary preparation time of the auditors by enabling the designated auditors to prepare question lists on a section-by-section basis.
- In the audited sections, the results can be entered into the system by the auditors and an SLO can be opened for the inappropriate results. You can deliver the opened SLOs to the relevant departments through the system.
- You can create annual audit plans that track audits with specified colors and combinations.
Audit Activities Management
In organizations trying to implement the Quality Management System, it is very important to manage internal audit processes effectively and make them more efficient. This requires the implementation of a series of practices aimed at goals such as tracking the labor-intensive and time-critical work in internal audit processes electronically, thereby increasing cooperation and efficiency between the audit department and other departments.
BİLTAŞ has developed the “Audit Management System”, which is an important part of the Quality Management System, which creates added value in terms of both financial and time by ensuring the planning, implementation and evaluation of the results of internal audits conducted in various periods.
QMAN Audit Management System is a web-based management module designed to audit processes or departments in a quality management system in a practical, fast and reliable way, to measure their performance and to take measures in a short time.
With the QMAN Audit Management System, audit department processes can be defined in detail, and responsible persons who are automatically informed can record the actions they take regarding the audit processes in the system. On the other hand, the records related to the audit processes created in the system can be created inputs for detailed analysis with the reporting module. Thanks to its modular infrastructure, it can be easily integrated with other modules of the Quality Management System.
In addition, the fact that the QMAN Audit ManagementSystem is web-based and the reports generated in the main system can be easily viewed via the web interface over the internet/intranet without the need for additional license costs ensures that the needs in this area are easily met and increases the productivity of employees with an easy-to-use and interpretable user interface.
- The application is developed with Microsoft . NET technology and is fully object-oriented.
- It has an extremely easy to learn and use user interface.
- The system is designed with a parametric structure.
- You can create question guides, associate questions with departments or processes, and ensure that they are ready to be used in planned audits.
- You can track active auditors by creating auditor pools.
- You can ensure that audits are performed on a department and process basis.
- By preparing a draft audit plan, you can ensure that the audit plan is finalized by sending a warning via message to be reviewed by those responsible for the parts to be audited.
- The questions of the finalized audits are prepared by the system, you can view the parts to be audited, auditors, audit times and question lists in the prepared audit report. You can follow it through the system or send it to the relevant departments via e-mail.
- You can evaluate and report the internal audit planning, implementation and results that you implement in various periods.
- You can shorten the preliminary preparation time of the auditors by enabling the designated auditors to prepare question lists on a section-by-section basis.
- In the audited sections, the results can be entered into the system by the auditors and an SLO can be opened for the inappropriate results. You can deliver the opened SLOs to the relevant departments through the system.
- You can create annual audit plans that track audits with specified colors and combinations.
Meeting Management
Today, the individual-centered management approach has lost its validity and the idea of team-oriented management has become widespread. Based on this understanding, meeting management is defined as participatory management. This means that the manager acts with his team when making and implementing decisions and shares success or failure with his team.
QMAN Meeting Management System is a web-based management module where all internal or external meetings are planned, tracked and reported.
The fact that the QMAN Meeting ManagementSystem is web-based and the reports generated in the main system can be easily viewed via the web interface over the internet/intranet without the need for additional license costs ensures that the needs in this area are easily met and increases the productivity of employees with an easy-to-use and interpretable user interface.
- The application is developed with Microsoft . NET technology and is fully object-oriented.
- It has an extremely easy to learn and use user interface.
- The system is designed with a parametric structure.
- You can identify, plan and track the meetings that companies intend to hold internally and externally in different departments, levels and times.
- In the plan reports, you can visually see the status of the meeting with specified color combinations.
- You can create annual, monthly, weekly, daily plans very easily by defining the type, date, time, place, participants of the planned meetings. You can announce these plans to the participants with an automatic message.
- The minutes of the meetings held in line with the plan can be prepared through the program and you can access all the minutes of the meetings held.
- You can set minutes reading rights based on groups or meeting participants in the system.
- The prepared minutes can be sent to the meeting participants or optionally to the desired persons via automatic e-mail.
- In order for users to keep track of meetings, you can create personalized plan reports at the desired date range or on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.
- You can facilitate the management of meeting rooms in line with the prepared plan, and you can track the usage times of the rooms thanks to different types of reporting.
- You can check whether the decisions taken in the meeting have been fulfilled or not, and you can access the results.
- By accessing the list of meetings held, you can get information about all meetings held.
- With the flexible reporting module, you can perform an unlimited number of reports.
Customer Complaint Management
According to ISO 10002:2004, a complaint is a statement of dissatisfaction made to an organization about its products or the complaint handling process itself, and for which an explicit or implicit response or resolution is expected.
The evaluation of customer complaints is important for organizations that are customer-oriented, attach importance to customer demands and expectations, and want to have effective methods to measure customer satisfaction.
In today’s competitive environment, product and service innovations lead to a redefinition of established performance levels. A good Complaint Management System is one of the key requirements for successful businesses to manage customers’ needs and protect their brand.
It is at least four times more costly for an organization to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones. Organizations that consistently lose customers go to great lengths to repair their damaged reputation.
Based on this need, BİLTAŞ has developed the “Customer Complaints Management” software as part of the Quality Management System, which ensures that customer complaints are handled successfully and the factors that create customer dissatisfaction are analyzed for the benefit of both the customer and the institution.
QMAN Customer Complaints Management System is a web-based management system that collects complaints and suggestions from customers, assigns them to the relevant persons, monitors complaints, resolves and reports them within the framework of the international customer relationship management philosophy.
- The application is developed with Microsoft . NET technology and is fully object-oriented.
- It has an extremely easy to learn and use user interface.
- The system is designed with a parametric structure.
- Customer complaints can be received by phone, fax, letter, personal application, internet, etc.
- You can query customer complaints by combining them according to different criteria and get instant and up-to-date reports on these query criteria.
- You can enter customer complaints and calls in the customer complaints module and assign them to the relevant unit manager.
- You can search for complaints by customer name, material name or error cause, and thanks to the alert systems, you can ensure that your complaint correspondence is made in a timely manner.
- You can assign an officer to resolve customer complaints. You can file a complaint if the resolution of the problem is delayed.
- After the problem is solved, you can call the customer to measure customer satisfaction.
- You can prepare your correspondence for customers and easily access the archive of the correspondence.
- You can query and report on delayed calls and calls that turn into döf.
- You can create different reports.
Calibration Management
QMAN Calibration Management System is a web-based management module where the definitions of measurement tools and devices in institutions are made, calibration methods, plans and records are followed.
- The application is developed with Microsoft . NET technology and is fully object-oriented.
- It has an extremely easy to learn and use user interface.
- The system is designed with a parametric structure.
- In this section, you can define a master, enter the records of all devices in your company in a pictorial visual way, group them and assign the devices to the people in charge.
- You can keep track of the status of the devices, where they are used, to whom they are embezzled, to which company they went to calibration between which dates, calibration costs, results and their certificates.
- You can define and schedule calibration methods and periods.
- You can see and report when and where all calibrated devices will be calibrated. You can create automatic submission forms for devices that will go to calibration by automatically warning for devices whose calibration day is approaching.
- You can identify and label all measuring instruments with barcodes.
- You can archive the correspondence related to calibration and easily access it retrospectively when desired.
- You can view and report calibration costs on a monthly, annual basis.
- You can make many queries such as device status, manufacturer, intended use, related department, calibration company, calibration result, embezzled personnel, device categories, etc.
- With the flexible reporting module, you can perform an unlimited number of reports.
Survey Management
Surveys are the most frequently used method both in scientific studies and in research studies for commercial purposes. Nowadays, with the development of technology, questionnaires are now widely applied not only on paper but also in electronic environment.
QMAN Survey Management System is a web-based management module designed to create surveys about the satisfaction of your customers and employees or different topics you want to evaluate in a practical and fast way and to evaluate and report their results.
With QMAN_AYS, you can manage the entire process of preparing a survey, distributing it through different channels (paper, web, e-mail, etc.), collecting, analyzing and reporting the results. You can quickly prepare a questionnaire by utilizing the question pool within the scope of the module, and you can also produce revisions of a ready-made questionnaire.
Web-based technology allows you to manage all your survey management at the lowest cost. Thanks to its integrated form design tool, multi-language support, advanced reporting tool and the ability to integrate with other Quality Management System modules, it will be with you in all your survey work.
- The application is developed with Microsoft . NET technology and is fully object-oriented.
- It has an extremely easy to learn and use user interface.
- The system is designed with a parametric structure.
- You can define survey types and question banks.
- In a few steps, you can prepare a survey in a practical way and determine the success rate for the survey you have prepared.
- You can add questions to the created surveys outside the question bank.
- You can quickly process your survey results into the program and instantly see graphical and statistical result values.
- You can see the results of your survey. You can set the warning that action should be taken on the topics that are below the target.
- Thanks to graphical reporting, you can make the subject and its results more easily understandable.
- You can archive the results of a survey you have conducted. Thus, you can access and process the survey and its results whenever you want.
- You can send your survey questions to your customers by e-mail.
- With the flexible reporting module, you can perform an unlimited number of reports.
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