Warehouse and Logistics Management
Fast and Integrated Solutions in Warehouse and Logistics Management

Biltas Warehouse and Logistics Solutions
Warehouse solutions integrated with ERP systems.
Make your company’s warehouse and production steps fast and easy with Biltaş!
- Fully integrated with back office application (Netsis)
- Optionally be able to transfer information online or offline
- Wired or wireless data transfer
- To be able to make Warehouse Entry, Warehouse Exit, Warehouse counts in a controlled manner thanks to mobile online transactions
- Minimizing human errors thanks to available directory and barcode support
- To be able to realize the movements between warehouses in a short time by controlling the production entries and exits
- Low cost
Biltaş provides the easiest and most cost-effective warehouse and logistics automation for your business.
Efficiency in Business Processes with Mobile Technologies
In today’s world, instant and accurate communication is everything. Businesses are looking for ways to communicate accurately, quickly and effectively with both their own employees and customers. With new mobile software, diversified hardware and broadband, business processes can be implemented in the field, while instant control can be provided in many sectors with long-distance communication solutions.
Thanks to mobile hardware and integrated mobile solutions, many sectors are introducing new business models. While the collection of data by field teams with smart PDAs increases the accuracy of transactions, mobile solutions enable field personnel to provide better service at the customer point. And with good Warehouse Automation, ways and models of doing business increase efficiency by eliminating inaccessibility.

Biltaş Mobile Solutions and Applications
Corporate applications developed on these platforms carry companies beyond borders and enable them to provide services. Today, we encounter mobile technologies and applications that have become complementary to business processes ranging from tracking systems to stock and warehouse management. In different sectors from energy to production, new applications are offered according to the requests of companies and at this point, mobile solutions are created for almost every software.
As Biltaş, we have been developing solutions to maximize the communication of our customers and to ensure faster and healthier growth by using mobile technology, especially in recent years.
Biltaş company, which has taken its place in today’s mobile revolution;
- SidayL Warehouse Automation System
- SidayP Cold Selling System
- SidayU has developed End of Production Operations applications.
SidayL is a mobile application developed to enable businesses to perform all warehouse operations (goods acceptance, storage, counting, transfer, goods exit, etc.) with fast and accurate data using wireless handheld terminals and barcode technologies. You can manage the entire process from the acceptance to the shipment of the products coming from the sellers to the storage area in the most effective way by monitoring them in an integrated database environment.
General Features
- Thanks to online data movement, stock movements can be monitored at the same time,
- Ability to transfer information optionally online or offline
- To be able to work fully integrated with back office applications (Netsis, Mikro, Logo etc.),
- NETSIS Warehouse Software, full integration that we can call NETSIS Warehouse Automation,
- Within predetermined rules, the system ensures control by giving warnings to the user in case of errors,
- Wired or wireless data transfer,
- To be able to make stock-based or series-based transactions,
- To be able to make Warehouse Entry, Warehouse Exit, Warehouse counts in a controlled manner thanks to mobile online transactions,
- Increasing the working capacity and throughput of businesses through fast warehousing and shipping operations,
- To be able to make error-free shipment by taking into account the loading instructions of the orders received,
- Providing ease of use by supporting user interfaces with visual icons,
- To be able to use all current version hand terminals used in the market,
- Support business and branch structure,
- Eliminating data entries caused by human errors thanks to the existing directory and barcode support,
- To be able to realize the movements between warehouses in a short time by controlling the production entries and exits,
- Thanks to the modular structure, it is possible to set up according to the needs,
- To be able to manage the entire process from acceptance to shipment of products arriving at the warehouse, using mobile and automatic recognition technologies,
Back Office Integration
SIDAY has integration with many commercial and ERP applications available in the market, primarily NETSIS. Businesses that want to use SIDAY outside of the existing application structure can use their own Back Office software that is fully integrated with SIDAY.
Fully Integrated Back Office
Today, businesses are introducing new business models thanks to mobile hardware and integrated mobile solutions. While the collection of data by field teams with smart PDAs increases the accuracy of transactions, mobile solutions enable field personnel to provide better service at the customer point. Ways and models of doing business increase efficiency by eliminating inaccessibility.
SIDAY has a fully integrated Back Office software consisting of professional software modules both within itself and with the Warehouse Management System Module. You can follow all processes from Inventory Transactions to Purchasing, from Current Accounts to General Accounting, make your cost calculations, budget comparisons and get your logistics reports.

NETSIS Integration
Siday has a successful integration with NETSIS, the ERP leader among local software. This integration is not limited to some modules, but it is at a level to support all features of NETSIS (condition codes, order, loading orders, etc.) and is a full NETSIS Warehouse Program.
Different Back Office Integrations
Again, project-based integration works were carried out with domestic ERP software such as (MİKRO etc.) and successfully finalized.
KRONOS System Requirements
and Infrastructure Specifications
KRONOS is an application developed with Microsoft .NET and C#. It is designed to run on Windows based systems and Windows based handheld computers. Infrastructure (client, database, network etc.) features required for KRONOS:
- Processor with Pentium IV or higher configuration, 2 GB RAM, at least 20 GB free disk space, MS Windows xp-2000-win7 operating system and MS Office applications.
Mobile Platform
- Windows Mobile 4.00 and above, Windows Ce.Net 4.1 and above,

Database and Platform Requirements
- MS SQL Server 2000, MS SQL Server 2005, MS SQL Server 2008, MS SQL Server 2010
- Windows 32 bit, 64 bit
- At least 100 mbit LAN structure
Note: The above specifications are minimum values. Processing speed, data size may require upgrading these specifications.
Warehouse Automation Operations
In today’s world, warehouse operations play an important role in the continuity of the supply chain. SidayL Warehouse Management System is a complete system designed to effectively and efficiently manage all operations that can take place in a warehouse, to ensure that the operations are completed paperless, in the shortest time, with the least amount of human and machine resources, to manage the decision-making process, to monitor the operations performed on-line / off-line and to present the information of the operations performed in reports.
SidayL Warehouse Management System guides and records the process from the acceptance of palletized and barcode labeled goods to the warehouse until they are shipped from the warehouse. Since SidayL aims to minimize human labor and the possibility of error in inventory tracking and warehouse management functions, it utilizes Automatic Identification and Data Acquisition (A/DAT) technology in every step of the process.
General Features
- Thanks to online data movement, stock movements can be monitored at the same time,
- Ability to transfer information optionally online or offline
- To be able to work fully integrated with back office applications (Netsis, Mikro, Logo, etc.),
- Within predetermined rules, the system ensures control by giving warnings to the user in case of errors,
- Wired or wireless data transfer,
- To be able to make stock-based or series-based transactions,
- To be able to make Warehouse Entry, Warehouse Exit, Warehouse counts in a controlled manner thanks to mobile online transactions,
- Increasing the working capacity and throughput of businesses through fast warehousing and shipping operations,
- To be able to make error-free shipment by taking into account the loading instructions of the orders received,
- Providing ease of use by supporting user interfaces with visual icons,
- To be able to use all current version hand terminals used in the market,
- Support business and branch structure,
- Eliminating data entries caused by human errors thanks to the existing directory and barcode support,
- To be able to realize the movements between warehouses in a short time by controlling the production entries and exits,
- Thanks to the modular structure, it is possible to set up according to the needs,
- To be able to manage the entire process from acceptance to shipment of products arriving at the warehouse, using mobile and automatic recognition technologies,
Goods Acceptance Procedures
In warehouses/branches, the margin of error is eliminated thanks to the goods acceptance operations performed by means of hand terminals by establishing an on-line connection with the purchase receipts of the products coming from the sellers. Document information (delivery note, invoice, etc.) of the products coming from the seller are entered, the barcodes of the products are scanned and recorded on the hand terminal. During the process, quantity, product and current verification is made continuously with the order. Wrong amount of goods, wrong goods, wrong current are prevented.
- Ability to monitor instant stock status by entering online purchase receipt,
- Thanks to On-line and Off-line Warehouse entry operations, stock movements can be updated as often as desired,
- Ability to perform transactions using other barcodes defined during input transactions,
- Serial based entry operations can be done optionally,
- Preventing incorrect product entry in document-based entries.
Counting Operations
Inventory counting operations in warehouses and fields can be done on-line or off-line by accessing the barcodes, product codes or descriptions of the products. Stock information in the existing database can be queried using certain filters (start/end stock, warehouse range, etc.) and quantity can be entered in case of multiple entries.
Fast barcode assignment can be made to products when requested. In this way, businesses can quickly implement the barcode application.
- Online and Offline counting,
- Stock-based and Series-based counting as an option,
- Ability to make bulk and fast counting in specified quantities thanks to parameters,
- Ability to search by product code for products that are not barcoded or cannot be read,
- Ability to change the product count quantity at any time,
Inter Warehouse Transfer and Internal Movements
The transfer of the product between warehouses or in-plant transactions can be carried out either in a controlled manner based on the goods request forms or freely with the transfer notification. Internal material movements such as transfer between warehouses, output to production, input from production, return from production can be easily realized with the scenarios you specify.
- Ability to transfer between warehouses in different branches,
- Ability to make online and offline transactions,
- To be able to make series based stock transfer operations,
- Ability to control the amount of stock to be transferred,
Goods Exit Transactions
In the warehouses/branches, the margin of error is eliminated thanks to the goods out transactions carried out through hand terminals by establishing an on-line connection with the order information and loading information of the orders received from the customers. Document information (order no., loading no., etc.) of the orders received from the customer is entered, the barcodes of the products are scanned and recorded on the hand terminal. During the process, the quantity, product and current account are verified continuously with the order. Wrong amount of goods, wrong goods, wrong current are prevented. And, delivery notes and invoices are prepared from customer orders.
It is designed to minimize the material collection time from the field according to the loading lists. In this way, you can ensure that your personnel working in the warehouse work more efficiently. With controlled material output, you can reduce return rates by preventing the wrong product and wrong quantity output.
If you wish, you can create a delivery note independent of the order directly from the handheld terminal with uncontrolled material output.
- Invoice and Waybill Controlled Shipment Control.
- Serial based entry operations can be done optionally,
- Ability to make online and offline transactions,
- To be able to check out goods with Series based stock quantity control,
- To be able to make the shipment process on the basis of the loading order,
Barcode and Labeling
- Ability to barcode and label the selected product,
- Blouetooth supports printing labels from the printer,
- Batch automatic label printing for newly created series/lots,
End of Production Record
- Ability to make end of production process as mobile,
- To be able to make outputs of finished product component quantities,
- Ability to record end of production on serial/lot basis,
- Ability to make online and offline transactions,
Start Your Digital Transformation Journey with Biltaş
Meet smart software solutions that will optimize your business processes and increase your productivity.